David Jones, 'Nativity with Shepherds and Beasts Rejoicing' 1929-1930 All four hooves, Welsh as a pony on hill are inches off the frosted ground. They skip for a fish tight saviour who is swathed in stillness between apple breast and pillow of hair. Come to look at it, all are off the ground: cow and ladle, shepherdess and lute, bits of floating Latin, but all stock still, as if playing statues. I am waiting for the cockerel to spill its redness on the page to Botticelli up the colour and set the world in motion, from out of winter into summer. Then the snow will melt and who knows what the sun might loose them into. A David Jones Nativity (Gentilis animetur) by David Scott When the wonderful Irish artist, Patrick Pye, and his equally, if not more wonderful wife, Noirin, visited me in Macedonia we went on a Church crawl, punctured by leisurely lunches and dinners, in search of the striking frescoes that populate many of its churches, especially at St. Panteleimon outside Skopje...