Imagine attending a ceremony in Spring (in this case with the Zuni in what is now New Mexico) where the local medicine men gather around a square of compacted yellow sand in which a single seed of corn is planted. As they chant, pray, you watch emerge over the course of hours, not days or weeks, a fully-fledged corn plant, glistening green, emerge whose cob will be closely inspected for its prediction of the forthcoming autumn harvest. What do you make of this? If you are a white person, observing this in the nineteenth century, you tend to presume a trick but what kind of trickery? All of your explanations sound either hollow - the use of a corn plant from the previous year but then how is its greenery maintained? Or equally fantastical to what you have just witnessed - for example, mass hypnosis or a secret accelerant growth chemical. Later, reading this historical account, you can fall back on the assumption that it is a piece of fantastical literature - except the mostly mode...