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Showing posts from February, 2021

Dream hunters and healers in Corsica (and Macedonia).

  When I lived in what is now the Republic of North Macedonia, I had a friend, B, whose sister was happily married and had just given birth to their first child. This sister's sister-in-law, somewhat older, was also married with two children. With the birth of the child, the sister-in-law began to behave in 'interesting' ways that appeared designed to do harm to the newborn (her nephew). She was seen speaking under her breath when the baby was being baptized, items of the baby's clothing would disappear after she had visited their home, the babies' parents became convinced that his aunt was casting the 'evil eye'.  Not knowing quite what to make of these tales, that B would regale me with, I christened the sister-in-law, 'the wicked witch', and would ask periodically how the saga was unfolding.  A couple of months later, I was invited by B to a family St. Nicholas Day celebration. I arrived with the party in full swing, myriad people assembled around...